

View synonyms for grain of salt

grain of salt

  1. To “take something with a grain of salt” is to view a statement with a skeptical attitude. “She took the claim that he didn't want to be president with a grain of salt.”

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Example Sentences

If she had been able to endure the odor in Grain-of-Salt's shack, she would probably be able to bear it here.

Besides, he had made friends with Grain-of-Salt and had received a proof of his friendship in a way that flattered his greed.

Perrine went to the house to inquire of Grain-of-Salt what steps she should take to sell the wagon and dear Palikare.

After what seemed a long time they arrived at the Market and Grain-of-Salt jumped off the donkey.

These were dangerous words that might affect the sale, so Grain-of-Salt thought he ought to say something.



